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Fitting a Quart into a Pint Pot

I've never really appreciated the saying "Trying to fit a quart into a pint pot" until recently. Mostly because I'm a metric child but partly as "Trying to fit 1136 ml into 568 ml" isn't quite as catchy.

However, this does describe how hectic the last few weeks at the brewery have felt. Firstly launching our new website and webshop. Then trying to fix all the teething problems as we go.

Secondly trying to manage our brewing and bottling schedule in the most uncertain times we've ever worked through.

Plus all the other curveballs life throws at you, from broken vans, supplier issues and a rather active 9 month old demanding his fair share of attention.

The webshop launch has been a hugely positive experience, with some lovely compliments on the look & feel of the site plus some happy customers getting their bottles delivered far and wide for the first time.

As always we're looking to tweak things based on customer feedback to give you the best experience we can. We recently made changes to our mixed pack selections to help people get the beers they want as quickly as we can.

Brewing-wise we are trying to deliver a production schedule created in early June in lockdown. Due to unprecedented demand, our bottling slots have to be booked over three months in advance.

Combined with then coming out of lockdown and needing to brew for on trade customers too has lead to some amazing contortions (& great teamwork) at the brewery to get beers ready on time for packaging.

On the plus side we should have our Christmas beer ready for bottling soon as well as some new arrivals in the brewery and webshop, including the return of an infamous black IPA - Dark Times!

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